Has the thought of being alone forever got you wondering what you’re doing wrong? If so, Elite Daily has compiled a list of 10 things you might be doing that are actually sabotaging your chances of finding a partner.
Here they are:
- Putting your ex on a pedestal. Nothing’s going to happen for you if every guy you meet is measured against the fantastical version of your ex you’ve created in your mind.
- Keeping your ex around in general. Being close friends with your ex is just weird.
- Playing it way too cool. Say how you’re feeling. TELL THE PERSON YOU LIKE THAT YOU LIKE THEM.
- Writing someone off because they don’t check all your boxes. You don’t need to settle, but remember one thing: You’re never going to meet someone who checks all of your boxes. Mistaking every speed bump for the end of the road. Just because you had a fight, a disagreement or an off day, doesn’t mean it’s over.
- Constantly complaining about how single you are. Take some time to be happy with yourself, and then, you can be open to meeting new people.
- Letting your friends draft each text before you hit send. If you ever want anything real with anyone, you have to hope they’re in it because they like you--weird texts and all.
- Refusing to go on dates sober. All you do when you show up drunk is prove to your date he can’t take you seriously.
- Mistaking your fear of commitment for a bad gut feeling. There are bad gut feelings, and then, there’s fear. The two are not the same.
- Assuming it’s not going to work out from the get-go. Let yourself be hopeful that something good will happen for you and that you won’t be single forever.