Mac At Night

Mac At Night

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10 Things Keeping You Single

Has the thought of being alone forever got you wondering what you’re doing wrong? If so, Elite Daily has compiled a list of 10 things you might be doing that are actually sabotaging your chances of finding a partner.

Here they are:

  1. Putting your ex on a pedestal. Nothing’s going to happen for you if every guy you meet is measured against the fantastical version of your ex you’ve created in your mind. 
  2. Keeping your ex around in general. Being close friends with your ex is just weird.
  3. Playing it way too cool. Say how you’re feeling. TELL THE PERSON YOU LIKE THAT YOU LIKE THEM.
  4. Writing someone off because they don’t check all your boxes. You don’t need to settle, but remember one thing: You’re never going to meet someone who checks all of your boxes. Mistaking every speed bump for the end of the road. Just because you had a fight, a disagreement or an off day, doesn’t mean it’s over. 
  5. Constantly complaining about how single you are. Take some time to be happy with yourself, and then, you can be open to meeting new people.
  6. Letting your friends draft each text before you hit send. If you ever want anything real with anyone, you have to hope they’re in it because they like you--weird texts and all.
  7. Refusing to go on dates sober. All you do when you show up drunk is prove to your date he can’t take you seriously.
  8. Mistaking your fear of commitment for a bad gut feeling. There are bad gut feelings, and then, there’s fear. The two are not the same.
  9. Assuming it’s not going to work out from the get-go. Let yourself be hopeful that something good will happen for you and that you won’t be single forever.

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