Photo: Getty Images
Here I am, minding my own business, scrolling through Facebook when BAM! A post that caught my eye and made me wanna run to my truck to get going LOL The Ranch Events Complex in Loveland, home of the Budweiser Events Center, posted that they have Apple Trees on property that you can go pick apples from.. Get this... FOR FREE! Nothing's free anymore, so I, like you, felt this cool little gesture was too good to be true LOL I hit up some of my pals on the inside over there and they confirmed the apple trees near the south entrance of the Ranch Events Complex has fresh, delicious looking apples ready to be picked! How may apples can you grab? That depends on how fast you get there and how high you can reach LOL For sure a first come first served basis so if you enjoy the peaceful Zen type moment of picking free apples than I suggest you hurry on over LOL See the pics on their Facebook post below :)
Photo Credit: Getty